StingRAY H1 Humboldt Cost Breakdown Structure
Columbia Power LCOE (levelized cost of energy) Model for the Stingray H1 at the DOE Reference Site of Humboldt, CA. The model is integrated with and reports LCOE from DOE Cost Breakdown Structure
Citation Formats
Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.. (2017). StingRAY H1 Humboldt Cost Breakdown Structure [data set]. Retrieved from
Rhinefrank, Ken, and . StingRAY H1 Humboldt Cost Breakdown Structure. United States: N.p., 06 Mar, 2017. Web. doi: 10.15473/1415571.
Rhinefrank, Ken, & . StingRAY H1 Humboldt Cost Breakdown Structure. United States.
Rhinefrank, Ken, and . 2017. "StingRAY H1 Humboldt Cost Breakdown Structure". United States.
@div{oedi_194, title = {StingRAY H1 Humboldt Cost Breakdown Structure}, author = {Rhinefrank, Ken, and .}, abstractNote = {Columbia Power LCOE (levelized cost of energy) Model for the Stingray H1 at the DOE Reference Site of Humboldt, CA. The model is integrated with and reports LCOE from DOE Cost Breakdown Structure}, doi = {10.15473/1415571}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {03}}
Data from Mar 6, 2017
Last updated Mar 6, 2022
Submitted Mar 7, 2017
Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Ken Rhinefrank
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, Humboldt, CA, USA, LCOE, WEC, wave energy, Wave Energy Converter, stingray, H1, cwpr, wave, levelized cost of energy, Columbia Power Technologies, point, absorber, economics, cost, point absorber buoyDOE Project Details
Project Name Reduction of System Cost Characteristics Through Innovative Solutions to Installation, Operations, and Maintenance
Project Lead Alison LaBonte
Project Number EE0007347