M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC 1:10 Scale Preliminary Tank Test Plan

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This is a preliminary test plan for testing of the Delos-Reyes Morrow Pressure Device (DMP), commercialized by M3 Wave LLC as "APEX," at Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory at Oregon State University. Additional logistical details and instrumentation specifics will be added as engineering and planning wraps up.

Citation Formats

M3 Wave. (2017). M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC 1:10 Scale Preliminary Tank Test Plan [data set]. Retrieved from https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/214.
Export Citation to RIS
Delos-Reyes, Mike, and Morrow, Mike. M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC 1:10 Scale Preliminary Tank Test Plan. United States: N.p., 23 Feb, 2017. Web. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/214.
Delos-Reyes, Mike, & Morrow, Mike. M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC 1:10 Scale Preliminary Tank Test Plan. United States. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/214
Delos-Reyes, Mike, and Morrow, Mike. 2017. "M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC 1:10 Scale Preliminary Tank Test Plan". United States. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/214.
@div{oedi_214, title = {M3 Wave DMP/APEX WEC 1:10 Scale Preliminary Tank Test Plan}, author = {Delos-Reyes, Mike, and Morrow, Mike.}, abstractNote = {This is a preliminary test plan for testing of the Delos-Reyes Morrow Pressure Device (DMP), commercialized by M3 Wave LLC as "APEX," at Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory at Oregon State University. Additional logistical details and instrumentation specifics will be added as engineering and planning wraps up.}, doi = {}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/214}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2017}, month = {02}}


Data from Feb 23, 2017

Last updated Apr 22, 2023

Submitted Apr 30, 2017


M3 Wave


Mike Morrow



Mike Delos-Reyes

M3 Wave

Mike Morrow

M3 Wave

DOE Project Details

Project Name Improved Survivability and Lower Cost in Submerged Wave Energy Device

Project Lead Tim Ramsey

Project Number EE0007345


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