ARIS Acoustic Camera Data Around a 5kW In-River Turbine from Tanana River Test Site

Publicly accessible License 

Four days (June 14-17, 2021) of ARIS acoustic camera data from the main research barge of the Tanana River Test Site operated by UAF. Data are collected sidelooking with the turbine in part of the field of view. This data was collected as part of a fish collision risk study. An acoustic camera was used rather than a traditional underwater camera due to the high levels of suspended sediments at the Tanana River Test Site.

Citation Formats

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. (2021). ARIS Acoustic Camera Data Around a 5kW In-River Turbine from Tanana River Test Site [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Staines, Garrett, and . ARIS Acoustic Camera Data Around a 5kW In-River Turbine from Tanana River Test Site. United States: N.p., 14 Jun, 2021. Web. doi: 10.15473/1901511.
Staines, Garrett, & . ARIS Acoustic Camera Data Around a 5kW In-River Turbine from Tanana River Test Site. United States.
Staines, Garrett, and . 2021. "ARIS Acoustic Camera Data Around a 5kW In-River Turbine from Tanana River Test Site". United States.
@div{oedi_437, title = {ARIS Acoustic Camera Data Around a 5kW In-River Turbine from Tanana River Test Site}, author = {Staines, Garrett, and .}, abstractNote = {Four days (June 14-17, 2021) of ARIS acoustic camera data from the main research barge of the Tanana River Test Site operated by UAF. Data are collected sidelooking with the turbine in part of the field of view. This data was collected as part of a fish collision risk study. An acoustic camera was used rather than a traditional underwater camera due to the high levels of suspended sediments at the Tanana River Test Site.}, doi = {10.15473/1901511}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2021}, month = {06}}


Data from Jun 14, 2021

Last updated Dec 2, 2022

Submitted Aug 18, 2022


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Garrett Staines



Garrett Staines

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

DOE Project Details

Project Name Triton Initiative

Project Lead Samantha Eaves

Project Number 67642


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