CODAS Data from Oliktok Point, Beaufort Sea, Alaska
Cryosphere/Ocean Distributed Acoustic Sensing (CODAS) data collected from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, using ~37.4 km of dark telecommunications fiber located at Oliktok Point, Alaska. Data were collected with a Silixa iDAS, using 10 m gauge length, 2 m spatial resolution, and 1000 Hz sample rate.
Provided here are the DAS-recorded time series for the rapid refreeze event described in Baker & Abbott (2022) (see link below). This covers a date range of 2021-11-10 15:00 UTC to 2021-11-11 17:00 UTC. Data have been decimated to 100 Hz and 20 m (i.e., every 10th channel for 1831 channels, total), as used in Baker & Abbott (2022). Data have been extracted from raw format into 1-hour long .sac* files and organized into directories by channel number, spanning channels 100 to 18400. Time series units are nano-strainrate (nm/m/s).
For distribution, data have been compressed into .zip files containing all time series files for 100 channels.
*For information on the Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) file format:
Citation Formats
Sandia National Laboratories. (2023). CODAS Data from Oliktok Point, Beaufort Sea, Alaska [data set]. Retrieved from
Baker, Michael, and Abbott, Robert. CODAS Data from Oliktok Point, Beaufort Sea, Alaska. United States: N.p., 08 Aug, 2023. Web. doi: 10.15473/2205673.
Baker, Michael, & Abbott, Robert. CODAS Data from Oliktok Point, Beaufort Sea, Alaska. United States.
Baker, Michael, and Abbott, Robert. 2023. "CODAS Data from Oliktok Point, Beaufort Sea, Alaska". United States.
@div{oedi_438, title = {CODAS Data from Oliktok Point, Beaufort Sea, Alaska}, author = {Baker, Michael, and Abbott, Robert.}, abstractNote = {Cryosphere/Ocean Distributed Acoustic Sensing (CODAS) data collected from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, using ~37.4 km of dark telecommunications fiber located at Oliktok Point, Alaska. Data were collected with a Silixa iDAS, using 10 m gauge length, 2 m spatial resolution, and 1000 Hz sample rate.
Provided here are the DAS-recorded time series for the rapid refreeze event described in Baker & Abbott (2022) (see link below). This covers a date range of 2021-11-10 15:00 UTC to 2021-11-11 17:00 UTC. Data have been decimated to 100 Hz and 20 m (i.e., every 10th channel for 1831 channels, total), as used in Baker & Abbott (2022). Data have been extracted from raw format into 1-hour long .sac* files and organized into directories by channel number, spanning channels 100 to 18400. Time series units are nano-strainrate (nm/m/s).
For distribution, data have been compressed into .zip files containing all time series files for 100 channels.
*For information on the Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) file format:
}, doi = {10.15473/2205673}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {08}}
Data from Aug 8, 2023
Last updated Jul 16, 2024
Submitted Aug 8, 2022
Sandia National Laboratories
Michael G Baker
Marine, Distributed Acoustic Sensing, Cryosphere, environment, raw data, CODAS, Oliktok Point, Beaufort Sea, AlaskaDOE Project Details
Project Name Cryosphere/Ocean Distributed Acoustic Sensing
Project Lead Bill McShane
Project Number NA0003525