TEAMER: Ocean Energy Sandia WEC Simulation Results

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Computational fluid simulations for wave energy converters and supporting materials from Ocean Energy's WEC Buoy TEAMER RFTS 1 (request for technical support) project in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories. Each file includes images and video of simulation along with the simulation files for the case. The videos and images include air and water simulations of the buoy in 2D and 3D views. Data spreadsheets of the simulation outputs are also included in the files. The data are represented as different cases in which the wave height(Hs) and peak period(Tp) were different.

All Resources Available Aug 1, 2027


In this simulation case the wave height (Hs)=0.2 and peak period (Tp)=2.19 . This submission also includes raw data, image, and movie results
Available Aug 1, 2027


In this simulation case the wave height(Hs)=0.2, and peak period (Tp)=2.747. This submission also includes raw data, image, and movie results.
Available Aug 1, 2027


In this simulation case the wave height(Hs)=0.33 and peak period (Tp)=2.747. This submission also includes raw data, image, and movie results.
Available Aug 1, 2027


B07B case, Hs=0.33, Tp=2.747 simulation, raw data, image, and movie results, with high resolution surface pressure data
Available Aug 1, 2027


In this simulation case the wave height (Hs)=0.33 and peak period (Tp)=3.289.This submission also includes raw data, image, and movie results.
Available Aug 1, 2027


In this simulation case the wave height (Hs)=0.533 and peak period (Tp)=3.289. This submission also includes raw data, image, and movie results
Available Aug 1, 2027

Scripts, combined plots, geometry files, probe locations, and result tables for OE WEC simulations
Available Aug 1, 2027

Citation Formats

Ocean Energy. (2022). TEAMER: Ocean Energy Sandia WEC Simulation Results [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Lewis, Tony, and Chartrand, Chris. TEAMER: Ocean Energy Sandia WEC Simulation Results. United States: N.p., 01 Aug, 2022. Web. doi: 10.15473/2212467.
Lewis, Tony, & Chartrand, Chris. TEAMER: Ocean Energy Sandia WEC Simulation Results. United States.
Lewis, Tony, and Chartrand, Chris. 2022. "TEAMER: Ocean Energy Sandia WEC Simulation Results". United States.
@div{oedi_445, title = {TEAMER: Ocean Energy Sandia WEC Simulation Results}, author = {Lewis, Tony, and Chartrand, Chris.}, abstractNote = {Computational fluid simulations for wave energy converters and supporting materials from Ocean Energy's WEC Buoy TEAMER RFTS 1 (request for technical support) project in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories. Each file includes images and video of simulation along with the simulation files for the case. The videos and images include air and water simulations of the buoy in 2D and 3D views. Data spreadsheets of the simulation outputs are also included in the files. The data are represented as different cases in which the wave height(Hs) and peak period(Tp) were different. }, doi = {10.15473/2212467}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {08}}


Data from Aug 1, 2022

Last updated Jan 9, 2024

Submitted Aug 15, 2022


Ocean Energy


Nathaniel DeVelder



Tony Lewis

Ocean Energy

Chris Chartrand

Sandia National Laboratories

DOE Project Details

Project Name Testing Expertise and Access for Marine Energy Research

Project Lead Lauren Ruedy

Project Number EE0008895


Submission Downloads