H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report - Section 13 Appendices

These documents are referenced in the public version of the H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report (Linked Dataset can be found in Resources section, below), and are submitted separately to allow for public release of head document. The display names have the corresponding section number for easy reference.

00000 H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report
A13.1 H3-FDR Final Design Report.pdf
A13.10 H3 0100 Hull 2D drawings.pdf
A13.11 H3 Weight Calcs for Hydrostatics.xlsx
A13.12 H3 0210 PMG FDR.pdf
A13.13 H3 0210 PMG Datasheet.pdf
A13.14 H3 0210 PMG General Arrangement v4 10-11-2022.pdf
A13.15 H3 0210 PMG Rotor Particulars.pdf
A13.16a H3 0271 Primary Bearing Design.pdf
A13.16b H3 0272 Secondary Bearing Design.pdf
A13.17a H3 0275 Idler Bearing Plate 2D.pdf
A13.17b H3 0275 Idler Bearing Insert 2D.pdf
A13.18 H3 0280 Shaft Seals 2D.pdf
A13.19 H3 0300 Electric Plant FDR.pdf
A13.2 H3-DB-2.1 Design Objectives Requirements and Constraints.pdf
A13.20 H3 0300 Electric Plant Functional Specification.pdf
A13.21 H3 0300 Electric Plant One-Lines.pdf
A13.22 H3 0300 Electric Plant 2D Drawings.pdf
A13.23 H3 0700 Mooring FDR.pdf
A13.24 H3 0800 Umbilical Cable Design Report.pdf
A13.25 H3 0800 Umbilical Dynamic Analysis Report.pdf
A13.26 H3 0800 Umbilical Dynamic System Components.pdf
A13.27 H3 0800 Umbilical Installation Plan.pdf
A13.28 H3 0800 Umbilical General Arrangement.PDF
A13.29 H3 0800 Umbilical Cable Cross Section.pdf
A13.3 H3-DB-2.2 Concept of Operations.pdf
A13.30 H3-PRF-6.7.a Performance Estimates.pdf
A13.31 H3-CAPEX-6.4 H3 Capital Expense Estimates.pdf
A13.32 H3-IOM-6.5 IOM Plan.pdf
A13.33 H3-PRF-6.7.b Project Metrics Estimates.pdf
A13.34 H3-RMP-1.2 Risk Management Plan.pdf
A13.35a H3-RR-0100 Hull Structure Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35b H3-RR-0200 PTO Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35c H3-RR-0300 Electric Plant Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35d H3-RR-0520 Safety and Emergency Systems Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35e H3-RR-0550 Aids to Navigation Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35f H3-RR-0580 Surveillance Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35g H3-RR-0600 Outfitting Furnishing Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35h H3-RR-0700 Mooring Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35i H3-RR-0800 Electrical Collection Risk Register.xlsm
A13.35j H3-RR-0000 Project WEC-Level Risk Register.xlsm
A13.36 H3-TQ-CB Certification Basis.xlsm
A13.37 H3-DB-2.3 Technology Assessment.xlsm
A13.38a H3-TQ-CP Certification Plan.pdf
A13.38b H3-TQ-CR Certification Report.pdf
A13.39 H3-TQ-SOF Statement of Feasibility.pdf
A13.4 H3-DB-2.6 PWS Site Characterization.pdf
A13.40 H3-TST-3.2 Tank Test and Model Validation.pdf
A13.5 H3-DB-2.6.b EMEC Site Characterization.pdf
A13.6 H3-DB-2.7 Design Load Cases.pdf
A13.7 H3-fCP-6.6 Final Commercialization Plan.pdf
A13.8 H3 0100 Hull Preliminary Design Review.pdf
A13.9 H3 0100 Hull FDR.pdf
Citation Formats
Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.. (2023). H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report - Section 13 Appendices [data set]. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/2212465.
Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha, and Prudell, Joe. H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report - Section 13 Appendices. United States: N.p., 15 Sep, 2023. Web. doi: 10.15473/2212465.
Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha, & Prudell, Joe. H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report - Section 13 Appendices. United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/2212465
Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha, and Prudell, Joe. 2023. "H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report - Section 13 Appendices". United States. https://dx.doi.org/10.15473/2212465. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/505.
@div{oedi_505, title = {H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report - Section 13 Appendices}, author = {Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha, and Prudell, Joe.}, abstractNote = {These documents are referenced in the public version of the H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report (Linked Dataset can be found in Resources section, below), and are submitted separately to allow for public release of head document. The display names have the corresponding section number for easy reference.}, doi = {10.15473/2212465}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/505}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {09}}
Data from Sep 15, 2023
Last updated Nov 16, 2023
Submitted Sep 16, 2023
Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Pukha Lenee-Bluhm
Pukha Lenee-Bluhm
Columbia Power Technologies Inc.Joe Prudell
Columbia Power Technologies Inc.Keywords
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, renewable energy, wave energy converter, WEC, design, risk register, technology qualification, PacWave South, direct drive, point absorber, technologyDOE Project Details
Project Lead Carrie Noonan
Project Number EE0008954