Unobtrusive Multi-static Serial LiDAR Imager (UMSLI) Dataset at PNNL-Sequim Marine and Coastal Test Site

In progress License 

The dataset contains the data from the field deployment of the Unobtrusive Multi-static Serial LiDAR Imager (UMSLI) system at PNNL-Sequim test site in July 2017 and Oct-Nov 2017. UMSLI is developed at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University under DOE funding (DE-EE0006787 and DE-EE0007828). UMSLI is a LiDAR system uses lower power red (638nm, 180mW) laser that is inivisible to the the marine animals. The main purpose of the system is to monitor MHK sites to detect and alert the site manager of any potential encounter between the energy generation equipment and proteted marine life.
The dataset contains scanning of manmade models of baracuda and turtles as well as technical target placed in the field of view of 6 sets of LiDAR transmitter and receiver pairs. In addition, the system also operated to capture any marine life may come within the field of view. This included several encounters of Harbo Seal. In total, about 2.5TB of LiDAR data was recorded.

Citation Formats

Florida Atlantic University. (2023). Unobtrusive Multi-static Serial LiDAR Imager (UMSLI) Dataset at PNNL-Sequim Marine and Coastal Test Site [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Dalgleish, Fraser, and . Unobtrusive Multi-static Serial LiDAR Imager (UMSLI) Dataset at PNNL-Sequim Marine and Coastal Test Site. United States: N.p., 22 Sep, 2023. Web.
Dalgleish, Fraser, & . Unobtrusive Multi-static Serial LiDAR Imager (UMSLI) Dataset at PNNL-Sequim Marine and Coastal Test Site. United States.
Dalgleish, Fraser, and . 2023. "Unobtrusive Multi-static Serial LiDAR Imager (UMSLI) Dataset at PNNL-Sequim Marine and Coastal Test Site". United States.
@div{oedi_507, title = {Unobtrusive Multi-static Serial LiDAR Imager (UMSLI) Dataset at PNNL-Sequim Marine and Coastal Test Site}, author = {Dalgleish, Fraser, and .}, abstractNote = {The dataset contains the data from the field deployment of the Unobtrusive Multi-static Serial LiDAR Imager (UMSLI) system at PNNL-Sequim test site in July 2017 and Oct-Nov 2017. UMSLI is developed at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University under DOE funding (DE-EE0006787 and DE-EE0007828). UMSLI is a LiDAR system uses lower power red (638nm, 180mW) laser that is inivisible to the the marine animals. The main purpose of the system is to monitor MHK sites to detect and alert the site manager of any potential encounter between the energy generation equipment and proteted marine life.
The dataset contains scanning of manmade models of baracuda and turtles as well as technical target placed in the field of view of 6 sets of LiDAR transmitter and receiver pairs. In addition, the system also operated to capture any marine life may come within the field of view. This included several encounters of Harbo Seal. In total, about 2.5TB of LiDAR data was recorded.
}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {09}}


Data from Sep 22, 2023

Last updated Sep 22, 2023

Submission in progress


Florida Atlantic University


Bing Ouyang



Fraser Dalgleish

L3 Harris

DOE Project Details

Project Name Multi-static Serial LiDAR for Surveillance and Identification of Marine Life at MHK Installations

Project Lead Carrie Noonan

Project Number EE0006787 EE0007828


Submission Downloads