PacWave South SeaRAY k2 Risk Registers

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The SeaRAY is a deployable power system for maritime sensors, monitoring equipment, communications, unmanned underwater vehicles, and other similar payloads. This project is to design, deliver, and test a prototype low-power WEC that lowers the total cost of ownership and provides robust, new capabilities for customers in the maritime environment.

Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is conducted to systematically identify all potential failure modes and their effects on the system, and to analyze the criticality of each risk based on the likelihood of the event and the severity of the impact. Actions may then be recommended to mitigate the criticality of a risk, either by reducing the likelihood of the risk or the severity of its impact. Risk assessment is executed iteratively as an integral part of the design process. By incorporating risk assessment early in the development cycle, mitigation of risk can be achieved cost effectively. The actions recommended to mitigate risk may be subsequently executed, and as the design progresses the risk assessment is reviewed and revised. Review of the risk assessment is integrated into structured design reviews, ensuring that critical risks are comprehended and that the Project will not progress to e.g. fabrication while intolerable risks remain. The risk assessment process results in the population and maintenance of Risk Registers (RRs). Each major system (and as needed, subsystem) will have a distinct RR. This allows each system or subsystem to be assessed individually, rendering the RRs to a manageable size for review.

Citation Formats

Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.. (2023). PacWave South SeaRAY k2 Risk Registers [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha. PacWave South SeaRAY k2 Risk Registers. United States: N.p., 29 Sep, 2023. Web. doi: 10.15473/2356829.
Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha. PacWave South SeaRAY k2 Risk Registers. United States.
Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha. 2023. "PacWave South SeaRAY k2 Risk Registers". United States.
@div{oedi_516, title = {PacWave South SeaRAY k2 Risk Registers}, author = {Lenee-Bluhm, Pukha.}, abstractNote = {The SeaRAY is a deployable power system for maritime sensors, monitoring equipment, communications, unmanned underwater vehicles, and other similar payloads. This project is to design, deliver, and test a prototype low-power WEC that lowers the total cost of ownership and provides robust, new capabilities for customers in the maritime environment.

Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) is conducted to systematically identify all potential failure modes and their effects on the system, and to analyze the criticality of each risk based on the likelihood of the event and the severity of the impact. Actions may then be recommended to mitigate the criticality of a risk, either by reducing the likelihood of the risk or the severity of its impact. Risk assessment is executed iteratively as an integral part of the design process. By incorporating risk assessment early in the development cycle, mitigation of risk can be achieved cost effectively. The actions recommended to mitigate risk may be subsequently executed, and as the design progresses the risk assessment is reviewed and revised. Review of the risk assessment is integrated into structured design reviews, ensuring that critical risks are comprehended and that the Project will not progress to e.g. fabrication while intolerable risks remain. The risk assessment process results in the population and maintenance of Risk Registers (RRs). Each major system (and as needed, subsystem) will have a distinct RR. This allows each system or subsystem to be assessed individually, rendering the RRs to a manageable size for review.}, doi = {10.15473/2356829}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {09}}


Data from Sep 29, 2023

Last updated May 23, 2024

Submitted Nov 24, 2023


Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.


Erik Hammagren



Pukha Lenee-Bluhm

Columbia Power Technologies Inc.

DOE Project Details

Project Name SeaRAY k2 Wave Energy Converter Testing at PacWave South

Project Lead Erik Mauer

Project Number EE0009953


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