Cone Penetration Tests at the PacWave South Test Site

In curation License 

This ZIP archive contains cone penetration test data from the PacWave South Test Site. The data were collected in September 2023 aboard the ship Seacor Lee operating out of the Port of Newport, OR. The tests were performed by ConeTec using an AP van den Berg ROSON-100. The cone itself was a standard u2-type, 10 cm^2. A total of 22 soundings were performed.

Citation Formats

Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC). (2023). Cone Penetration Tests at the PacWave South Test Site [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Evans, Matt. Cone Penetration Tests at the PacWave South Test Site. United States: N.p., 07 Sep, 2023. Web.
Evans, Matt. Cone Penetration Tests at the PacWave South Test Site. United States.
Evans, Matt. 2023. "Cone Penetration Tests at the PacWave South Test Site". United States.
@div{oedi_529, title = {Cone Penetration Tests at the PacWave South Test Site}, author = {Evans, Matt.}, abstractNote = {This ZIP archive contains cone penetration test data from the PacWave South Test Site. The data were collected in September 2023 aboard the ship Seacor Lee operating out of the Port of Newport, OR. The tests were performed by ConeTec using an AP van den Berg ROSON-100. The cone itself was a standard u2-type, 10 cm^2. A total of 22 soundings were performed.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {09}}


Data from Sep 7, 2023

Last updated Jun 28, 2024

Submitted Feb 10, 2024


Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC)


Matt Evans



Matt Evans

Pacific Marine Energy Center PMEC

DOE Project Details

Project Name Applied Research and Development to Support Open-Water Testing at PacWave

Project Lead Yana Shininger

Project Number EE0009969


Submission Downloads