TEAMER: Performance mapping of Re Vision's Persistance PTO

In progress License 

Contains datasets from experimental measurements that were used to validate the PTO's efficiency and performance. These measurements were obtained using a dynamometer test bench setup. The data includes open-circuit voltage and loss measurements to validate machine characteristics, efficiency mapping tests to determine the generator's performance mapping, and efficiency mapping tests to determine the converter's efficiency over the feasible operating range.

These data were collected between June 2023 and September 2023. The data was collected at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Flatirons Campus, Colorado, United States. The data was collected using NREL's 5-kW dynamometer test bench, equipped with a torque sensor and various voltage and current sensors fed to a dedicated data acquisition system. Units for the data are included in the data file headers for each data series. A text editor or spreadsheet software such as Excel is required to view the *.csv data.

Citation Formats

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2024). TEAMER: Performance mapping of Re Vision's Persistance PTO [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Labuschagne, Hannes, McGilton, Ben, and Previsic, Mirko. TEAMER: Performance mapping of Re Vision's Persistance PTO. United States: N.p., 09 Jul, 2024. Web.
Labuschagne, Hannes, McGilton, Ben, & Previsic, Mirko. TEAMER: Performance mapping of Re Vision's Persistance PTO. United States.
Labuschagne, Hannes, McGilton, Ben, and Previsic, Mirko. 2024. "TEAMER: Performance mapping of Re Vision's Persistance PTO". United States.
@div{oedi_552, title = {TEAMER: Performance mapping of Re Vision's Persistance PTO}, author = {Labuschagne, Hannes, McGilton, Ben, and Previsic, Mirko.}, abstractNote = {Contains datasets from experimental measurements that were used to validate the PTO's efficiency and performance. These measurements were obtained using a dynamometer test bench setup. The data includes open-circuit voltage and loss measurements to validate machine characteristics, efficiency mapping tests to determine the generator's performance mapping, and efficiency mapping tests to determine the converter's efficiency over the feasible operating range.

These data were collected between June 2023 and September 2023. The data was collected at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Flatirons Campus, Colorado, United States. The data was collected using NREL's 5-kW dynamometer test bench, equipped with a torque sensor and various voltage and current sensors fed to a dedicated data acquisition system. Units for the data are included in the data file headers for each data series. A text editor or spreadsheet software such as Excel is required to view the *.csv data.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {07}}


Data from Jul 9, 2024

Last updated Jul 10, 2024

Submission in progress


National Renewable Energy Laboratory


Hannes Labuschagne


Hannes Labuschagne

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Ben McGilton

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Mirko Previsic

Re Vision Consulting

DOE Project Details

Project Lead Bill McShane


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