Techno-Economic Optimization of the SurgeWEC Device

Publicly accessible License 

This is the post-access report for a Teamer-funded effort to optimize the SurgeWEC device, a near-shore pivoting flap wave energy conversion device used to desalinate water. Parametrically driven cost and performance models enabled an integrated optimization approach at the farm scale. The metric used for this study was the levelized cost of water (LCOW).

The data-set includes:
1. A public-domain post access report
2. An excel file with the data and plots generated under this study

Citation Formats

Re Vision Consulting. (2022). Techno-Economic Optimization of the SurgeWEC Device [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Previsic, Mirko, and . Techno-Economic Optimization of the SurgeWEC Device. United States: N.p., 20 Feb, 2022. Web. doi: 10.15473/2479747.
Previsic, Mirko, & . Techno-Economic Optimization of the SurgeWEC Device. United States.
Previsic, Mirko, and . 2022. "Techno-Economic Optimization of the SurgeWEC Device". United States.
@div{oedi_567, title = {Techno-Economic Optimization of the SurgeWEC Device}, author = {Previsic, Mirko, and .}, abstractNote = {This is the post-access report for a Teamer-funded effort to optimize the SurgeWEC device, a near-shore pivoting flap wave energy conversion device used to desalinate water. Parametrically driven cost and performance models enabled an integrated optimization approach at the farm scale. The metric used for this study was the levelized cost of water (LCOW).

The data-set includes:
1. A public-domain post access report
2. An excel file with the data and plots generated under this study }, doi = {10.15473/2479747}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2022}, month = {02}}


Data from Feb 20, 2022

Last updated Dec 5, 2024

Submitted Sep 17, 2024


Re Vision Consulting


Mirko Previsic



Mirko Previsic

Re Vision Consulting

DOE Project Details

Project Name Testing Expertise and Access for Marine Energy Research

Project Lead Lauren Ruedy

Project Number EE0008895


Submission Downloads