TEAMER Technical Support for Aquantis (Materials): CRD-21-17762-0

In progress License 

The Aquantis Tidal Power Tug is a unique synthesis of best-available technologies and materials configured as a novel spar vessel to create an optimal platform for tidal stream energy conversion. The Power Tug utilizes an upstream-facing horizontal, 2-bladed rotor. To drive down capital costs and extend life, Aquantis proposes to employ new materials for the blades that are both less expensive than current state-of-the-art materials and are potentially better suited for survival in a submerged, seawater environment. Coupons from a novel geopolymer material will be tested in a load frame to characterize material properties. The Requestor is requesting technical assistance for evaluating mechanical properties of a novel geopolymer material for application in tidal stream energy conversion systems. This work will establish characteristic properties of a geopolymer material under dry and saturated conditions through material coupon testing. Material coupons will be tested to characterize properties including: a) Tensile strength, b) Compression strength, c) Flexural strength, d) Modulus of elasticity, e) Fatigue strength at varying load levels. The types of material tests performed will be guided by characteristics required to validate material properties for use in full-scale structures. Characterization of material properties that consider the demands of a full-scale structure is a necessary step in research and development that can enable the use of geopolymer materials in tidal stream energy conversion systems.

Citation Formats

Aquantis, Inc.. (2024). TEAMER Technical Support for Aquantis (Materials): CRD-21-17762-0 [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Swales, Henry, Hughes, Scott, and Murdy, Paul. TEAMER Technical Support for Aquantis (Materials): CRD-21-17762-0. United States: N.p., 17 Oct, 2024. Web.
Swales, Henry, Hughes, Scott, & Murdy, Paul. TEAMER Technical Support for Aquantis (Materials): CRD-21-17762-0. United States.
Swales, Henry, Hughes, Scott, and Murdy, Paul. 2024. "TEAMER Technical Support for Aquantis (Materials): CRD-21-17762-0". United States.
@div{oedi_573, title = {TEAMER Technical Support for Aquantis (Materials): CRD-21-17762-0}, author = {Swales, Henry, Hughes, Scott, and Murdy, Paul.}, abstractNote = {The Aquantis Tidal Power Tug is a unique synthesis of best-available technologies and materials configured as a novel spar vessel to create an optimal platform for tidal stream energy conversion. The Power Tug utilizes an upstream-facing horizontal, 2-bladed rotor. To drive down capital costs and extend life, Aquantis proposes to employ new materials for the blades that are both less expensive than current state-of-the-art materials and are potentially better suited for survival in a submerged, seawater environment. Coupons from a novel geopolymer material will be tested in a load frame to characterize material properties. The Requestor is requesting technical assistance for evaluating mechanical properties of a novel geopolymer material for application in tidal stream energy conversion systems. This work will establish characteristic properties of a geopolymer material under dry and saturated conditions through material coupon testing. Material coupons will be tested to characterize properties including: a) Tensile strength, b) Compression strength, c) Flexural strength, d) Modulus of elasticity, e) Fatigue strength at varying load levels. The types of material tests performed will be guided by characteristics required to validate material properties for use in full-scale structures. Characterization of material properties that consider the demands of a full-scale structure is a necessary step in research and development that can enable the use of geopolymer materials in tidal stream energy conversion systems.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {10}}


Data from Oct 17, 2024

Last updated Oct 17, 2024

Submission in progress


Aquantis, Inc.


Henry Swales


Henry Swales

Aquantis Inc.

Scott Hughes


Paul Murdy


DOE Project Details

Project Name TEAMER Technical Support for Aquantis (Materials): DE-AC36-08GO28308

Project Lead Bill McShane

Project Number DE-AC36-08GO28308


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