TEAMER: OSU X Hinsdale & Sandia - LUPA Uncertainty Testing
This processed data is from TEAMER testing through RFTS 7 at the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon. This testing was conducted by Oregon State University (OSU) and Sandia National Laboratories in October and November 2023. The Laboratory Upgrade Point Absorber (LUPA) WEC was used for experimental testing in the large wave flume with a water depth of 3.695 m in the six-DOF configuration.
These results processed 4 undisturbed regular wave conditions, each repeated 10 times for a total of 40 trials.
The type A (statistical) uncertainty is evaluated for wave height and period.
The provided Excel and mat files are the processed data for each trial as defined by the metadata and the column headers. The plotTEAMER_Uncertainty_postAccessReport.m MATLAB file processes the provided mat file to make the figures in the Post Access Report. The mat file has more detailed data for wave-by-wave analysis of each trial.
This project is part of the TEAMER RFTS 7 (request for technical support) program.
Citation Formats
Oregon State University. (2023). TEAMER: OSU X Hinsdale & Sandia - LUPA Uncertainty Testing [data set]. Retrieved from
Robertson, Bryson, Beringer, Courtney, Bosma, Bret, Coe, Ryan, Gaebele, Daniel, Forbush, Dominic, Bacelli, Giorgio, and Lomonaco, Pedro. TEAMER: OSU X Hinsdale & Sandia - LUPA Uncertainty Testing. United States: N.p., 19 Oct, 2023. Web.
Robertson, Bryson, Beringer, Courtney, Bosma, Bret, Coe, Ryan, Gaebele, Daniel, Forbush, Dominic, Bacelli, Giorgio, & Lomonaco, Pedro. TEAMER: OSU X Hinsdale & Sandia - LUPA Uncertainty Testing. United States.
Robertson, Bryson, Beringer, Courtney, Bosma, Bret, Coe, Ryan, Gaebele, Daniel, Forbush, Dominic, Bacelli, Giorgio, and Lomonaco, Pedro. 2023. "TEAMER: OSU X Hinsdale & Sandia - LUPA Uncertainty Testing". United States.
@div{oedi_576, title = {TEAMER: OSU X Hinsdale & Sandia - LUPA Uncertainty Testing}, author = {Robertson, Bryson, Beringer, Courtney, Bosma, Bret, Coe, Ryan, Gaebele, Daniel, Forbush, Dominic, Bacelli, Giorgio, and Lomonaco, Pedro.}, abstractNote = {This processed data is from TEAMER testing through RFTS 7 at the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon. This testing was conducted by Oregon State University (OSU) and Sandia National Laboratories in October and November 2023. The Laboratory Upgrade Point Absorber (LUPA) WEC was used for experimental testing in the large wave flume with a water depth of 3.695 m in the six-DOF configuration.
These results processed 4 undisturbed regular wave conditions, each repeated 10 times for a total of 40 trials.
The type A (statistical) uncertainty is evaluated for wave height and period.
The provided Excel and mat files are the processed data for each trial as defined by the metadata and the column headers. The plotTEAMER_Uncertainty_postAccessReport.m MATLAB file processes the provided mat file to make the figures in the Post Access Report. The mat file has more detailed data for wave-by-wave analysis of each trial.
This project is part of the TEAMER RFTS 7 (request for technical support) program.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 19, 2023
Last updated Feb 3, 2025
Submitted Nov 5, 2024
Oregon State University
Bryson Robertson
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, LUPA, WEC, point absorber, Hinsdale, experiment, uncertainty, TEAMER, wave energy converter, technology, processed dataDOE Project Details
Project Name TEAMER: Open-Source Laboratory Upgrade Point Absorber (LUPA) WEC Flume Testing for System Identification and Experimental Uncertainty
Project Lead Lauren Ruedy
Project Number EE0008895