TEAMER: Numerical Modeling of WECs to Support OES Task 10

Publicly accessible License 

This submission contains the files for reproducing the waves only and sphere test article simulations for the experimental setup (three different wave conditions) associated with the Teamer Request for Technical Support 9 (RFTS 9) fluid dynamics simulations to support the Ocean Energy Systems Energy Technology Collaboration Program (OES) Task 10 Wave Energy Converters Modeling Verification and Validation effort.

- The 'data' directory contains the experimental validation data, the paddle input signal data, and representative output data from the OpenFOAM simulations.
- The 'images' directory contains images of representative results for the three test cases, and were generated using the python .py files located in the main directory.
- The 'openFoamCaseFiles' directory contains cleaned OpenFOAM case files for the three test conditions.

Refer to additional README files contained within the directories for additional details.

This project is part of the TEAMER RFTS 9 (request for technical support) program: Numerical Modeling of WECs to support OES task 10.

Citation Formats

Sandia National Laboratories. (2024). TEAMER: Numerical Modeling of WECs to Support OES Task 10 [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Meuris, Brek, Chartrand, Chris, and Kramer, Morten. TEAMER: Numerical Modeling of WECs to Support OES Task 10. United States: N.p., 23 Sep, 2024. Web.
Meuris, Brek, Chartrand, Chris, & Kramer, Morten. TEAMER: Numerical Modeling of WECs to Support OES Task 10. United States.
Meuris, Brek, Chartrand, Chris, and Kramer, Morten. 2024. "TEAMER: Numerical Modeling of WECs to Support OES Task 10". United States.
@div{oedi_597, title = {TEAMER: Numerical Modeling of WECs to Support OES Task 10}, author = {Meuris, Brek, Chartrand, Chris, and Kramer, Morten.}, abstractNote = {This submission contains the files for reproducing the waves only and sphere test article simulations for the experimental setup (three different wave conditions) associated with the Teamer Request for Technical Support 9 (RFTS 9) fluid dynamics simulations to support the Ocean Energy Systems Energy Technology Collaboration Program (OES) Task 10 Wave Energy Converters Modeling Verification and Validation effort.

- The 'data' directory contains the experimental validation data, the paddle input signal data, and representative output data from the OpenFOAM simulations.
- The 'images' directory contains images of representative results for the three test cases, and were generated using the python .py files located in the main directory.
- The 'openFoamCaseFiles' directory contains cleaned OpenFOAM case files for the three test conditions.

Refer to additional README files contained within the directories for additional details.

This project is part of the TEAMER RFTS 9 (request for technical support) program: Numerical Modeling of WECs to support OES task 10.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {09}}


Data from Sep 23, 2024

Last updated Mar 3, 2025

Submitted Feb 21, 2025


Sandia National Laboratories


Brek Meuris


Brek Meuris

Sandia National Laboratories

Chris Chartrand

Sandia National Laboratories

Morten Kramer

Aalborg University - Floating Power Plant

DOE Project Details

Project Name Testing Expertise and Access for Marine Energy Research

Project Lead Lauren Ruedy

Project Number EE0008895


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