Turbine Lander, Sequim Bay (2023-2024) Environmental Observations and Data
The Turbine Lander, a small-scale (1.19 m x 0.85 m) veritical-axis, cross-flow turbine was deployed in the Inlet to Sequim Bay, Washington for 141 days from October 2023 to March 2024. Throughout the deployment an Adaptable Monitoring Package equipped with an acoustic Doppler current profiler, Blueview and Tritech Gemini imaging sonars, stereo optical cameras with artificial illumination, and a hydrophone array were used to monitoring inflow conditions and perform environmental monitoring. Operational data from the turbine including rotor speed, generator control torque, and power generation were also recorded.
Manual review, primarily of the optical images, was used to identify over 1000 events with animals (fish, seals, and birds) in the vicinity of the Turbine Lander. These events cover day and nighttime videos with the rotor both stationary and rotating (during periods with relatively strong currents). Manually reviewed optical images were used to create videos that were subsequently reviewed, categorized, and condensed into the set of videos included here. Supporting .csv files include start/end times, detection class (e.g., fish, bird, seal), notes, inflow speed, turbine operating state, and other ancillary data. The .csv files cover all events identified in review of data aquired during the project, although videos are not included for every event. Events that were excluded corresponded to low frame rate sampling (1 Hz) or partially captured events for which the videos did not provide significant information. The videos that are included (over 600) are otherwise included without judgement as to their value. Videos are lumped together by taxonomic grouping and, if relevant, interpretation of the events (e.g., rotor rotating or stationary) or behavior (e.g., evasion/collision for fish) .
Data acquisition and AMP operation on the Turbine Lander was supported by the TEAMER RFTS 7 (request for technical support) program.
Additional information about the Turbine Lander
Citation Formats
University of Washington Applied Physics Lab. (2024). Turbine Lander, Sequim Bay (2023-2024) Environmental Observations and Data [data set]. Retrieved from https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/599.
Bassett, Christopher, and Cotter, Emma. Turbine Lander, Sequim Bay (2023-2024) Environmental Observations and Data. United States: N.p., 07 Feb, 2024. Web. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/599.
Bassett, Christopher, & Cotter, Emma. Turbine Lander, Sequim Bay (2023-2024) Environmental Observations and Data. United States. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/599
Bassett, Christopher, and Cotter, Emma. 2024. "Turbine Lander, Sequim Bay (2023-2024) Environmental Observations and Data". United States. https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/599.
@div{oedi_599, title = {Turbine Lander, Sequim Bay (2023-2024) Environmental Observations and Data}, author = {Bassett, Christopher, and Cotter, Emma.}, abstractNote = {The Turbine Lander, a small-scale (1.19 m x 0.85 m) veritical-axis, cross-flow turbine was deployed in the Inlet to Sequim Bay, Washington for 141 days from October 2023 to March 2024. Throughout the deployment an Adaptable Monitoring Package equipped with an acoustic Doppler current profiler, Blueview and Tritech Gemini imaging sonars, stereo optical cameras with artificial illumination, and a hydrophone array were used to monitoring inflow conditions and perform environmental monitoring. Operational data from the turbine including rotor speed, generator control torque, and power generation were also recorded.
Manual review, primarily of the optical images, was used to identify over 1000 events with animals (fish, seals, and birds) in the vicinity of the Turbine Lander. These events cover day and nighttime videos with the rotor both stationary and rotating (during periods with relatively strong currents). Manually reviewed optical images were used to create videos that were subsequently reviewed, categorized, and condensed into the set of videos included here. Supporting .csv files include start/end times, detection class (e.g., fish, bird, seal), notes, inflow speed, turbine operating state, and other ancillary data. The .csv files cover all events identified in review of data aquired during the project, although videos are not included for every event. Events that were excluded corresponded to low frame rate sampling (1 Hz) or partially captured events for which the videos did not provide significant information. The videos that are included (over 600) are otherwise included without judgement as to their value. Videos are lumped together by taxonomic grouping and, if relevant, interpretation of the events (e.g., rotor rotating or stationary) or behavior (e.g., evasion/collision for fish) .
Data acquisition and AMP operation on the Turbine Lander was supported by the TEAMER RFTS 7 (request for technical support) program.
Additional information about the Turbine Lander
https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.d51c5b0dq }, doi = {}, url = {https://mhkdr.openei.org/submissions/599}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {02}}
Data from Feb 7, 2024
Last updated Feb 22, 2025
Submission in progress
University of Washington Applied Physics Lab
Christopher Bassett
enviromental monitoring, collision, evasion, cameras, fish, seal, bird, tidal turbineDOE Project Details
Project Name 3rd Generation Integrated Instrumentation: Enhancements to the Adaptable Monitoring Package
Project Lead Samantha Eaves
Project Number DE-EE0007827