ALFA Station Keeping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Underwater Vehicle near Newport, OR

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This data set presents results testing the station keeping abilities of a tethered Seabotix vLBV300 underwater vehicle equipped with an inertial navigation system. These results are from an offshore deployment on April 20, 2016 off the coast of Newport, OR (44.678 degrees N, 124.109 degrees W). During the mission period, the sea state varied between 3 and 4, with an average significant wave height of 1.6 m. The vehicle utilizes an inertial navigation system based on a Gladiator Landmark 40 IMU coupled with a Teledyne Explorer Doppler Velocity Log to perform station keeping at a desired location and orientation.

Citation Formats

Oregon State University. (2016). ALFA Station Keeping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Underwater Vehicle near Newport, OR [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Hollinger, Geoffrey, and . ALFA Station Keeping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Underwater Vehicle near Newport, OR. United States: N.p., 20 Apr, 2016. Web. doi: 10.15473/1432492.
Hollinger, Geoffrey, & . ALFA Station Keeping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Underwater Vehicle near Newport, OR. United States.
Hollinger, Geoffrey, and . 2016. "ALFA Station Keeping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Underwater Vehicle near Newport, OR". United States.
@div{oedi_148, title = {ALFA Station Keeping Results for Seabotix vLBV300 Underwater Vehicle near Newport, OR}, author = {Hollinger, Geoffrey, and .}, abstractNote = {This data set presents results testing the station keeping abilities of a tethered Seabotix vLBV300 underwater vehicle equipped with an inertial navigation system. These results are from an offshore deployment on April 20, 2016 off the coast of Newport, OR (44.678 degrees N, 124.109 degrees W). During the mission period, the sea state varied between 3 and 4, with an average significant wave height of 1.6 m. The vehicle utilizes an inertial navigation system based on a Gladiator Landmark 40 IMU coupled with a Teledyne Explorer Doppler Velocity Log to perform station keeping at a desired location and orientation. }, doi = {10.15473/1432492}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {04}}


Data from Apr 20, 2016

Last updated Jun 30, 2020

Submitted Sep 26, 2016


Oregon State University


Geoffrey Hollinger



Geoffrey Hollinger

Oregon State University

DOE Project Details

Project Name Advanced Laboratory and Field Arrays (ALFA)

Project Lead Tim Ramsey

Project Number EE0068166


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