ALFA MHK Biological Monitoring Stationary Deployment - South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon
Acoustic backscatter data from a WBAT operating at 70kHz deployed at PMEC-SETS from April to September of 2016. 180 pings were collected at 1Hz every two hours, as part of the Advanced Laboratory and Field Arrays (ALFA) for Marine Energy project.
Data was subject to preliminary processing (noise removal, a threshold of -75dB was applied, surface turbulence and data below 0.5m from the bottom was removed).
Citation Formats
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center. (2016). ALFA MHK Biological Monitoring Stationary Deployment - South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon [data set]. Retrieved from
Horne, John, and . ALFA MHK Biological Monitoring Stationary Deployment - South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon. United States: N.p., 01 Oct, 2016. Web. doi: 10.15473/1439809.
Horne, John, & . ALFA MHK Biological Monitoring Stationary Deployment - South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon. United States.
Horne, John, and . 2016. "ALFA MHK Biological Monitoring Stationary Deployment - South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon". United States.
@div{oedi_243, title = {ALFA MHK Biological Monitoring Stationary Deployment - South Energy Test Site, Newport, Oregon}, author = {Horne, John, and .}, abstractNote = {Acoustic backscatter data from a WBAT operating at 70kHz deployed at PMEC-SETS from April to September of 2016. 180 pings were collected at 1Hz every two hours, as part of the Advanced Laboratory and Field Arrays (ALFA) for Marine Energy project.
Data was subject to preliminary processing (noise removal, a threshold of -75dB was applied, surface turbulence and data below 0.5m from the bottom was removed).}, doi = {10.15473/1439809}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2016}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 1, 2016
Last updated Jun 30, 2020
Submitted Oct 12, 2017
Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
John Horne
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, Newport, Oregon, acoustic backscatter data, acoustic data, backscatter, SETS, OR, South Energy Test Site, WBAT, active, acoustic, biology, biologic, monitoring, density, source, echo sounding, echosounder, hydroacoustic, environment, environmental, PMEC_SETS, Pacific Marine Energy Center, remote sensing, wildlife, stationary, ALFA, processed data, PMEC, Advanced Laboratory and Field ArraysDOE Project Details
Project Name Advanced Laboratory and Field Arrays (ALFA) for Marine Energy
Project Lead Alison LaBonte
Project Number EE0006816