Triton-C WEC Fabrication Plan (DDP)
This is the Fabrication Plan for the Triton-C WEC based on the Detailed System Design Package (DDP), including a report and visuals pertaining to the overall detailed design of the reaction ring, surface float hull, power take off and surface float arrangement.
Oscilla Power Inc, (OPI) has identified and selected vendors for the procurement and construction of the Triton-C wave energy converter. A fabrication plan was developed concurrently for each system and its related components. This document describes the major steps within this plan. This document chronologically identifies the stages related to the build and assembly of the major systems within the Triton-C. The details of these steps will cover the fabrication of the hull structure, the mechanical drivetrain assembly, the hydraulic system layout, the integration of sensor within the arrangement, as well as the generator hook up, and remaining electrical and supporting auxiliary systems. This document will also inform why these vendors were selected and their expertise in fabrication of these components. Further details on how these systems function and perform are within deliverables 6 and 11 of the Triton-C WEC Detailed System Design Package (MHKDR submission 336).
Citation Formats
Oscilla Power, Inc.. (2020). Triton-C WEC Fabrication Plan (DDP) [data set]. Retrieved from
Stinson, Kate, and Mundon, Tim. Triton-C WEC Fabrication Plan (DDP). United States: N.p., 02 Nov, 2020. Web.
Stinson, Kate, & Mundon, Tim. Triton-C WEC Fabrication Plan (DDP). United States.
Stinson, Kate, and Mundon, Tim. 2020. "Triton-C WEC Fabrication Plan (DDP)". United States.
@div{oedi_337, title = {Triton-C WEC Fabrication Plan (DDP)}, author = {Stinson, Kate, and Mundon, Tim.}, abstractNote = {This is the Fabrication Plan for the Triton-C WEC based on the Detailed System Design Package (DDP), including a report and visuals pertaining to the overall detailed design of the reaction ring, surface float hull, power take off and surface float arrangement.
Oscilla Power Inc, (OPI) has identified and selected vendors for the procurement and construction of the Triton-C wave energy converter. A fabrication plan was developed concurrently for each system and its related components. This document describes the major steps within this plan. This document chronologically identifies the stages related to the build and assembly of the major systems within the Triton-C. The details of these steps will cover the fabrication of the hull structure, the mechanical drivetrain assembly, the hydraulic system layout, the integration of sensor within the arrangement, as well as the generator hook up, and remaining electrical and supporting auxiliary systems. This document will also inform why these vendors were selected and their expertise in fabrication of these components. Further details on how these systems function and perform are within deliverables 6 and 11 of the Triton-C WEC Detailed System Design Package (MHKDR submission 336).}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {11}}
Data from Nov 2, 2020
Last updated Apr 22, 2023
Submitted Nov 3, 2020
Oscilla Power, Inc.
Kate Stinson
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, drivetrain, reaction ring, surface float, power take off, wave energy, wave, power performance, power generation, wave energy converter, WEC, detailed design, fabrication plan, Triton, Triton-C, Oscilla Power, multi-mode, point absorber buoy, heave, SCADA, mooring, hydraulics, hull, pressure test, gearbox, brake, assembly, installation, build, generator, accumulatorDOE Project Details
Project Name Demonstration of an Advanced Multi-Mode Point Absorber for Wave Energy Conversion
Project Lead Bill McShane
Project Number EE0007819