Triton-C WEC Installation, Operations and Maintenance Plan (DDP)

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This is the Installation, Operations and Maintenance (IO&M) Plan for the Triton-C WEC based on the Detailed System Design Package (DDP), including a report and visuals pertaining to the overall detailed design of the reaction ring, surface float hull, power take off and surface float arrangement. This document details the IO&M and safety procedures for each system and subsystem in the Triton-C WEC.

Citation Formats

Oscilla Power, Inc.. (2020). Triton-C WEC Installation, Operations and Maintenance Plan (DDP) [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Stinson, Kate, Mundon, Tim, and Gill, Andrew. Triton-C WEC Installation, Operations and Maintenance Plan (DDP). United States: N.p., 02 Nov, 2020. Web.
Stinson, Kate, Mundon, Tim, & Gill, Andrew. Triton-C WEC Installation, Operations and Maintenance Plan (DDP). United States.
Stinson, Kate, Mundon, Tim, and Gill, Andrew. 2020. "Triton-C WEC Installation, Operations and Maintenance Plan (DDP)". United States.
@div{oedi_338, title = {Triton-C WEC Installation, Operations and Maintenance Plan (DDP)}, author = {Stinson, Kate, Mundon, Tim, and Gill, Andrew.}, abstractNote = {This is the Installation, Operations and Maintenance (IO&M) Plan for the Triton-C WEC based on the Detailed System Design Package (DDP), including a report and visuals pertaining to the overall detailed design of the reaction ring, surface float hull, power take off and surface float arrangement. This document details the IO&M and safety procedures for each system and subsystem in the Triton-C WEC.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2020}, month = {11}}


Data from Nov 2, 2020

Last updated Apr 22, 2023

Submitted Nov 3, 2020


Oscilla Power, Inc.


Kate Stinson


Kate Stinson

Oscilla Power Inc.

Tim Mundon

Oscilla Power Inc.

Andrew Gill

Oscilla Power Inc.

DOE Project Details

Project Name Demonstration of an Advanced Multi-Mode Point Absorber for Wave Energy Conversion

Project Lead Bill McShane

Project Number EE0007819


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