TEAMER: WEC-Sim Modeling of Laminar Scientific Patented Seesaw Wave Energy Converter
Laminar Scientific's patented nearshore seesaw wave energy converter has several features assessed in this study utilizing the Wave Energy Converter SIMulator (WEC-Sim) Facility. One of these features is the ability to change spacing between two spherical floats of the seesaw to adjust to different sea-states and maximize rotational motion produced at the pivot. Conversely, severe wave conditions would warrant the minimization of rotational motion by minimizing float spacing. This study tested the hypothesis that the seesaw wave energy converter (WEC) can generate out-of-phase behavior between its fore and aft floats and that spacing adjustments will lead to improved power capture across a range of sea-states.
This directory contains:
- all Capytaine models, results, and visualization scripts (bemio.m) for the two-float configuration
- slides shared during the biweekly updates, the final test plan and the final post-access report
- all Capytaine models, results, and visualization scripts (bemio.m) for the tri-float configuration
- all the WEC-Sim input files, models, test cases, results, visualizations, plots for the two-float configuration
Post access report and GitHub repository reflecting the work done under the TEAMER RFTS 9 (request for technical support) award.
Citation Formats
Laminar Scientific Inc.. (2024). TEAMER: WEC-Sim Modeling of Laminar Scientific Patented Seesaw Wave Energy Converter [data set]. Retrieved from
Iyer, Narayan, Keester, Adam, Husain, Salman, Kimball, Chelsea, and Tom, Nathan. TEAMER: WEC-Sim Modeling of Laminar Scientific Patented Seesaw Wave Energy Converter. United States: N.p., 21 Nov, 2024. Web.
Iyer, Narayan, Keester, Adam, Husain, Salman, Kimball, Chelsea, & Tom, Nathan. TEAMER: WEC-Sim Modeling of Laminar Scientific Patented Seesaw Wave Energy Converter. United States.
Iyer, Narayan, Keester, Adam, Husain, Salman, Kimball, Chelsea, and Tom, Nathan. 2024. "TEAMER: WEC-Sim Modeling of Laminar Scientific Patented Seesaw Wave Energy Converter". United States.
@div{oedi_581, title = {TEAMER: WEC-Sim Modeling of Laminar Scientific Patented Seesaw Wave Energy Converter}, author = {Iyer, Narayan, Keester, Adam, Husain, Salman, Kimball, Chelsea, and Tom, Nathan.}, abstractNote = {Laminar Scientific's patented nearshore seesaw wave energy converter has several features assessed in this study utilizing the Wave Energy Converter SIMulator (WEC-Sim) Facility. One of these features is the ability to change spacing between two spherical floats of the seesaw to adjust to different sea-states and maximize rotational motion produced at the pivot. Conversely, severe wave conditions would warrant the minimization of rotational motion by minimizing float spacing. This study tested the hypothesis that the seesaw wave energy converter (WEC) can generate out-of-phase behavior between its fore and aft floats and that spacing adjustments will lead to improved power capture across a range of sea-states.
This directory contains:
- all Capytaine models, results, and visualization scripts (bemio.m) for the two-float configuration
- slides shared during the biweekly updates, the final test plan and the final post-access report
- all Capytaine models, results, and visualization scripts (bemio.m) for the tri-float configuration
- all the WEC-Sim input files, models, test cases, results, visualizations, plots for the two-float configuration
Post access report and GitHub repository reflecting the work done under the TEAMER RFTS 9 (request for technical support) award.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2024}, month = {11}}
Data from Nov 21, 2024
Last updated Feb 18, 2025
Submitted Nov 22, 2024
Laminar Scientific Inc.
Narayan Iyer
MHK, Marine, energy, power, wave energy, WEC, Github, TEAMER, RFTS9, Wave energy converter, WEC-Sim, Lamina Scientific, Capytaine, Matlab, presentation, seesaw wave energy converter, post access reportDOE Project Details
Project Name WEC-Sim Modeling of Laminar Scientific patented see-saw Wave Energy Converter (RFTS)
Project Lead Elaine Buck
Project Number 28308