BOBr Processed Breaking Wave Data, Agate Beach, OR
This data was recorded by the BOBr (Buoy to Observe Breaking) off the coast of Newport, OR at Agate Beach in the surf zone. The data was recorded by a 9dof inertial measurement unit and consists of a timestamp, quaternion orientation, acceleration vector, rotation vector, and magnetic vector. The acceleration, rotation, and magnetic vectors have all been corrected back to a North East Down reference frame.
Citation Formats
Oregon State University. (2013). BOBr Processed Breaking Wave Data, Agate Beach, OR [data set]. Retrieved from
C, Adam, and . BOBr Processed Breaking Wave Data, Agate Beach, OR. United States: N.p., 31 Oct, 2013. Web. doi: 10.15473/1421982.
C, Adam, & . BOBr Processed Breaking Wave Data, Agate Beach, OR. United States.
C, Adam, and . 2013. "BOBr Processed Breaking Wave Data, Agate Beach, OR". United States.
@div{oedi_119, title = {BOBr Processed Breaking Wave Data, Agate Beach, OR}, author = {C, Adam, and .}, abstractNote = {This data was recorded by the BOBr (Buoy to Observe Breaking) off the coast of Newport, OR at Agate Beach in the surf zone. The data was recorded by a 9dof inertial measurement unit and consists of a timestamp, quaternion orientation, acceleration vector, rotation vector, and magnetic vector. The acceleration, rotation, and magnetic vectors have all been corrected back to a North East Down reference frame.}, doi = {10.15473/1421982}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2013}, month = {10}}
Data from Oct 31, 2013
Last updated Jul 9, 2021
Submitted Jun 10, 2016
Oregon State University
Adam C Brown
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, wave, measurement, buoy, breaking, waves, oregon, resource, OR, BOBr, processed data, Agate Beach, surf zone, characterization, Newport, ground data, ground, surf, data, free-drift, acceleration, rotation, magnetic field vectors, quaternion, orientationDOE Project Details
Project Name Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center
Project Lead Jim Ahlgrimm
Project Number GO18179