Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device - Scaled Tank Test Design and Results

Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, Tow Tank Dynamic Rig Structural Analysis Results. This is the detailed documentation for scaled device testing in a tow tank, including models, drawings, presentations, cost of energy analysis, and structural analysis. This dataset also includes specific information on drivetrain, roller bearing, blade fabrication, mooring, and rotor characteristics.
Aquantis 1.5 MW SpecSheet.doc
Aquantis 2.0 MW SpecSheet.doc
Aquantis AFT Line Stiffness Calculation.xlsx
Aquantis FWD Line Stiffness Calculation.xlsx
Aquantis Test Tank Device
C-Plane Scale Mooring Specification Table.xlsx
COE Scaling and Recommendations.pptx
Cp Cavitation - Rotational Effects.pptx
Instrumentation Tray.pdf
Model Platform Blades Fabrication.pptx
Optimized Tow Cube Overview and Analysis.pptx
Rotational Flow Investigation.pptx
Stability and Force Analysis Summary.docx
Stationary Hub Modified Simulation.CWR
Tidal Bladed Input.pdf
Tow Tank Model BOM.xlsx
Tow Tank Test Model Blade
Tow Tank Test Model Rotor FEA I.pptx
Tow Tank Test Model Rotor FEA II.pptx
Tow Tank Test Model Structure FEA.xlsx
Citation Formats
Dehlsen Associates, LLC. (2015). Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device - Scaled Tank Test Design and Results [data set]. Retrieved from
Swales, Henry, Kils, Ole, Coakley, David B., Sites, Eric, and Mayer, Tyler. Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device - Scaled Tank Test Design and Results. United States: N.p., 03 Jun, 2015. Web. doi: 10.15473/1413995.
Swales, Henry, Kils, Ole, Coakley, David B., Sites, Eric, & Mayer, Tyler. Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device - Scaled Tank Test Design and Results. United States.
Swales, Henry, Kils, Ole, Coakley, David B., Sites, Eric, and Mayer, Tyler. 2015. "Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device - Scaled Tank Test Design and Results". United States.
@div{oedi_2, title = {Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device - Scaled Tank Test Design and Results}, author = {Swales, Henry, Kils, Ole, Coakley, David B., Sites, Eric, and Mayer, Tyler.}, abstractNote = {Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device, Tow Tank Dynamic Rig Structural Analysis Results. This is the detailed documentation for scaled device testing in a tow tank, including models, drawings, presentations, cost of energy analysis, and structural analysis. This dataset also includes specific information on drivetrain, roller bearing, blade fabrication, mooring, and rotor characteristics.}, doi = {10.15473/1413995}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2015}, month = {06}}
Data from Jun 3, 2015
Last updated Jul 17, 2020
Submitted Jun 3, 2015
Dehlsen Associates, LLC
David Arthurs
Henry Swales
Aquantis Inc.Ole Kils
Aquantis Inc.David B. Coakley
Naval Surface Warfare CenterEric Sites
PCCI Inc.Tyler Mayer
Aquantis Inc.Keywords
MHK, Marine, Hydrokinetic, energy, power, Aquantis, ocean, current, generation, device, tow tank, dynamic rig, models, drawings, presentations, cost of energy, analysis, structural, drivetrain, roller bearing, blade fabrication, mooring, ocean current, lab test, laboratory testing, tank test, design, results, 2.5 MW, rotor characteristics, technology, horizontal, axis, axial, turbine, resource, economics, modeling, LCOE, levelized cost of energy, lab data, CEC, C-plane, axial flow turbineDOE Project Details
Project Name Aquantis 2.5 MW Ocean Current Generation Device
Project Lead Tim Ramsey
Project Number EE0003643