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Triton-C WEC Installation, Operations and Maintenance Plan (DDP)
This is the Installation, Operations and Maintenance (IO&M) Plan for the Triton-C WEC based on the Detailed System Design Package (DDP), including a report and visuals pertaining to the overall detailed design of the reaction ring, surface float hull, power take off and surface fl...
Stinson, K. et al Oscilla Power, Inc.
Nov 02, 2020
1 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
1 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
2023 Risk Management Plan and Register for Low-Power WEC for Non-Grid Applications
This is an updated risk management plan and risk register for the design, build and test of a novel, remote, low-power wave energy converter (WEC) for non-grid applications. This Columbia Power Technologies project seeks to develop a prototype low-power WEC that lowers the total c...
Hammagren, E. et al Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Jun 14, 2023
17 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
17 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
Risk Management Plan and Risk Register for Design Low-Power Wave Energy Converter for Non-Grid Applications
Risk Registers for major subsystems completed according to the methodology described in the Risk Management Plan [DE-EE0008627 D1.2 Risk Management Plan PD v1.1 07-19-2019.pdf], also included here.
Amon, E. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Jul 19, 2019
17 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
17 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Triton-C WEC Fabrication Plan (DDP)
This is the Fabrication Plan for the Triton-C WEC based on the Detailed System Design Package (DDP), including a report and visuals pertaining to the overall detailed design of the reaction ring, surface float hull, power take off and surface float arrangement.
Oscilla Power Inc,...
Stinson, K. and Mundon, T. Oscilla Power, Inc.
Nov 02, 2020
1 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
1 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
StingRAY Structural Optimization Final Technical Report
The overall project objective is to materially decrease the leveled cost of energy (LCOE) of the Columbia Power (CPower) StingRAY utility-scale wave energy converter (WEC). This will be achieved by reducing structural material and manufacturing costs and increasing energy output. ...
Lenee-Bluhm, P. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Aug 05, 2020
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Triton-C Point Absorber Preliminary System Design Package
Preliminary System Design Package for the Triton-C WEC, including a report and CAD drawings pertaining to the overall preliminary design, system arrangement, surface float hull, and surface float arrangement.
Mundon, T. Oscilla Power, Inc.
Dec 01, 2017
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
StingRAY Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis: WEC Risk Registers
Analysis method to systematically identify all potential failure modes and their effects on the Stingray WEC system. This analysis is incorporated early in the development cycle such that the mitigation of the identified failure modes can be achieved cost effectively and efficient...
Rhinefrank, K. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Jul 25, 2016
18 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
18 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Triton-C WEC Detailed System Design Package
The Detailed System Design Package for the Triton-C WEC, including a report and CAD drawings pertaining to the overall preliminary design, system arrangement, surface float hull, and surface float arrangement.
D6 presents an overview of the final detailed design package for the T...
Stinson, K. et al Oscilla Power, Inc.
Nov 02, 2020
5 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
5 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report Section 13 Appendices
These documents are referenced in the public version of the H3 StingRAY Final Design and Technical Report (Linked Dataset can be found in Resources section, below), and are submitted separately to allow for public release of head document. The display names have the corresponding ...
Lenee-Bluhm, P. and Prudell, J. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Sep 15, 2023
53 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
53 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
StingRAY Structural Optimization Final Technical Report Appendices
The protected data appendices to the public Final Technical Report.
The overall project objective is to materially decrease the leveled cost of energy (LCOE) of the Columbia Power (CPower) StingRAY utility-scale wave energy converter (WEC). This will be achieved by reducing stru...
Lenee-Bluhm, P. Columbia Power Technologies, Inc.
Aug 05, 2020
16 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
16 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release