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TEAMER: DAISY Variant and Tether Tests, Admirality Inlet, WA
Acoustic data and metadata from Drifting Acoustic Instrumentation SYstem (DAISY) testing in Admiralty Inlet (connecting Puget Sound to the Strait of San Juan de Fuca) in July 2022. Tests focused on occurrences of flow noise for three hydrophone package variants and on the potentia...
Crisp, C. et al University of Washington
Jul 14, 2022
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
6 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Experimental performance characterization of a shrouded axial-flow turbine
Sitkana has developed a shrouded hydrokinetic turbine with a modular, low-cost design that can be scaled to meet the needs of remote communities. With technical support from the University of Washington, Sitkana sought to experimentally characterize the mechanical power and struct...
McMullan, L. et al University of Washington
Oct 20, 2023
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Ocean Survivability Analysis for a WEC Post-Access Report Data, Newport, OR
E-Wave Technologies LLC worked with the American Bureau of Shipping for the project of ocean survivability analysis of a wave energy converter that powers marine aquaculture. The performance period extended from 9/15/2021 to 6/30/2022 off the coast of Newport, Oregon. The data and...
Lou, J. et al E-Wave Technologies LLC
Jun 30, 2022
55 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
55 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
TEAMER: Wave Energy Converter SIMulator (WEC-SIM) Support for an Adaptive Wave Energy Converter by Ocean Motion Technologies
Scripts from project git repo + tutorial slide deck generated for the TEAMER RFTS 1 (request for technical support) collaborative project between Ocean Motion Technologies, Inc. and Sandia National Laboratories + National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The project simulates an adapt...
Keester, A. et al Ocean Motion Technologies, Inc.
Jan 29, 2021
3 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
3 Resources
0 Stars
Awaiting release
TEAMER: FOSWEC Mooring Modeling and Analysis, Post Access Report and Data
Floating oscillating surge wave energy converters (FOSWECs) offer several advantages over bottom-hinged oscillating surge wave energy converters, including large wave potential at deep-water sites with fewer permitting and environmental concerns outside territorial waters. As a te...
Housner, S. et al Virginia Tech
Jun 14, 2022
10 Resources
0 Stars
10 Resources
0 Stars
TEAMER: CalWave xWave New Technology Qualification and Path to Certification Final Report
CalWave is developing a wave energy converter (WEC) called xWave, which operates fully submerged and is classified as a submerged pressure differential type. As ocean waves pass over the submerged wave buoy, a pressure differential is created, exciting the absorber in multiple deg...
Petcovic, D. and Zhang, S. CalWave Power Technologies Inc.
Oct 31, 2022
2 Resources
0 Stars
2 Resources
0 Stars
TEAMER: Numerical Modeling and Optimization of the iProTech Pitching Inertial Pump (PIP) Wave Energy Converter (WEC)
This project focused on developing an automated workflow to evaluate and optimize the iProTech Pitching Inertial Pump (PIP) wave energy converter (WEC) using open-source Python packages and the MATLAB/Simulink tool, WEC-Sim. The process involved parameterizing key design variables...
Wynn, N. et al National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Apr 11, 2024
1 Resources
0 Stars
1 Resources
0 Stars
TEAMER: Numerical Model of IProTech PIP WEC Device
iProTech PIP wave energy converter (WEC) is a slack moored, single hull device with no moving parts in the water, joints or bearings. This submission includes data of the simulation, reports, and code for the iProTech PIP (WEC) project. The organization of the data included in the...
Ogden, D. et al IProTech
Nov 02, 2021
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
2 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Crossflow Turbine Fairing Geometry Optimization Report and CFD Modeling Files
The dataset includes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models and simulation files for crossflow turbines as well as a detailed project report. The report documents the project undertaken by the Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) to design and optimize a modular fairing for the...
McEntee, J. Ocean Renewable Power Company
Aug 08, 2024
3 Resources
0 Stars
3 Resources
0 Stars
Twin Ocean Power V1
These files collectively provide a comprehensive overview of the testing process, data analysis, and validation for the Twin Ocean Power device tested at the O.H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory, supported by TEAMER funding.
Nguyen, J. and Nguyen, N. John Nguyen
Sep 11, 2024
52 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
52 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
TEAMER: Tidal Currents Turbine Parametric Study Flow, Power, Torque, and Energy Optimization
This is an exercise in optimizing the flow through a shrouded axial turbine to have the least resistance and to have optimal output and torque and energy. In this study, different variations of the original geometry of the current turbine designed by Hydrokinetic Energy Corp. (HEC...
Schurtenberger, W. and Ge, Z. Hydrokinetic Energy Corp.
Jul 30, 2021
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
3 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Tidal Currents in San Juan Archipelago, Washington
Re-analyzed acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data originally collected by NOAA CO-OPS (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services) and equivalent point data from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's FVCOM (Finite Volume Community Ocean Model) model of th...
Polagye, B. et al University of Washington
Dec 15, 2022
3 Resources
0 Stars
3 Resources
0 Stars
TEAMER: ORPC Pitching Foil Crossflow Turbine Efficiency Testing Report
Turbine performance data, collected and processed by the University of New Hampshire (UNH). This presentation includes turbine performance vs tow speed and Reynolds #, turbine performance vs tip-speed ratio, as well as the TARE values used for processing the data.
Project was fun...
Pillsbury, L. Ocean Renewable Power Company
Sep 01, 2022
1 Resources
0 Stars
1 Resources
0 Stars
TEAMER: Supporting model output files for Environmental Compliance Framework for Floating Tidal Turbines, Cook Inlet, AK
Orbital Marine Power (Orbital) is seeking to deploy their floating tidal technology in US waters and has considered the possibility of deploying in temperate waters including the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and the Western Passage, Maine. It has become apparent that some of the most p...
Wang, T. et al Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mar 01, 2023
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
5 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
Characterization for Creek Tides Energy and Power Reversible Blade Turbine
Reactive reversible blade turbine (RRBT) is a new technology which provides a solution to hydro-power generation from slow-moving currents such as rivers, tides, and oceans. It features blades that pivot to capture the maximum force of the water current and then pivot again to a n...
Curet, O. Florida Atlantic University
Sep 17, 2024
1 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
1 Resources
0 Stars
In curation
TEAMER: Vertical Axies Hydrokinetic Turbine Data, Emrgy Inc. 2022, Post Access Submission
The data herein contains all data collected and used for the Performance Characterization Testing and Model Calibration of a Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine. The data includes performance data and durability data for the Hydrokinetic Turbine. The device performance data contain...
Cuthbert, T. Emrgy, Inc.
Apr 06, 2022
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
4 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Tidal Energy Resource Characterization and Model Validation via the Assessment of Distributed Current Measurements from microFloat Swarms, Data and Post-Access Report
This project evaluated how high-resolution, spatially distributed field data can be used to refine and validate site-scale hydrodynamic simulations of tidal channels. Use of such spatially-distributed field observations or site-scale hydrodynamic simulations will be needed for pro...
Harrison, T. et al University of Washington (NNMREC) Applied Physics Lab
Aug 20, 2020
20 Resources
0 Stars
20 Resources
0 Stars
TEAMER: Water Tunnel Data from Testing the Pterofin Skimmer Concept
Pterofin's Skimmer concept relies on a flapping and pitching hydrofoil to extract hydrokinetic energy from water flows. The concept aims to utilize unsteady fluid dynamics phenomena (added mass, shed vorticity, and unsteady boundary layer development) to achieve higher lift coeffi...
Jaffa, N. et al Pennsylvania State University, Applied Research Laboratory
Jul 13, 2023
7 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
7 Resources
1 Stars
Publicly accessible
TEAMER: Pitching Foil Crossflow Turbine Efficiency Data
This dataset documents the efficiency testing of a pitching foil crossflow turbine, conducted at the University of New Hampshire's (UNH) Chase Ocean Engineering Laboratory tow tank facility. The tests explored various pitch phases and amplitudes, ranging from 0 to 18 degrees, acro...
McEntee, J. Ocean Renewable Power Company
Aug 07, 2024
2 Resources
0 Stars
2 Resources
0 Stars
TEAMER: Mass of Water Turbine Current Energy Converter CFD Results
The CFD (computational fluid dynamics) results for the Mass of Water Turbine (MOWT) current energy converter from MWNW Consulting (formerly Ecosse IP). Each case is self-contained in its own tar.gz archive file. The archive contains the scripts required to perform a full simulati...
Chartrand, C. and Moir, S. Sandia National Laboratories
May 27, 2022
75 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible
75 Resources
0 Stars
Publicly accessible